Do employees on Monthly Pay Mode earn more?

It actually depends. If it’s Monthly The employee will get paid a fixed amount of pay which doesn’t look at the total # of working days the employee actually worked If it’s Hourly The employee will get paid based on the actual days/hours they worked, you will not get a […]

How to change the leave request approver?

Setting up the employee who is approving the leave request is the same as setting up Managers or Supervisors handling a specific team. Make sure the following are setup: System Permissions – The Manager / Leave Request Approver has the following access level setup: Positions – The position of the […]

How to track and export remaining loan balance?

If you would like to download the remaining balance of the loan payments you’ve created, here’s how: Login to your PayrollHero account (You must have access to employee payments to do this) Go to the bank page under the Payroll tab, Click on the specific loan to check the list […]