Stay Safe, Everyone!

In light of the recent events happening all over the globe due to Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), we would just like to reassure everyone that PayrollHero remains operational.  We’re committed to support you and your team during this time of uncertainty. We’re continuing to deliver best and reliable service for […]

OT/OB Email Notifications

OT/OB Email Notifications should be sent automatically on both the Manager and Employee. Once the employee sends out the OT/OB Request, they shall receive an email receipt something like this: As a Manager, they will receive this email notification: Managers can click on the “Click here to review” and it […]

Multi Insert Tool: YTD update

To save time, PayrollHero has created the Multi-Insert tool that can be used to mass update you employees’ YTD details. It is necessary to prepare your account first before exporting the YTD updates and to do that you simply need to classify your banks. Categorizing Banks Before you export the […]

TeamClock Clocking Queue

TeamClock (version 7.0 and higher) will now add clocking jobs to the queue for background sending. However, this doesn’t mean the app works offline. It only means it would be able to handle intermittent internet connection. Features This feature will reduce the screen time on the clocking page and will […]