How to Add Secondary Contacts on your PayrollHero Billing Portal

PayrollHero uses Freshbooks in generating invoices and receipts for PayrollHero Clients. Invoices are sent to the billing contact every month. Billing contacts are mostly account owners or admins to your PayrollHero account. If unsure who your billing contact is, feel free to email us at  If you are the billing contact […]

Release Note: YTD amounts on payslip fixed

We’ve received some feedback that the Year-to-date (YTD) amounts on the payslip doesn’t refresh when the pay period falls from the previous year. See sample screenshot below: This is now fixed… Pay periods that falls on the previous year and payable date (Payout date) that falls into the new year […]

Release Note: Fixed Billing page link

PayrollHero uses Freshbooks in generating invoices and receipts for PayrollHero Clients. With the start of the year, Freshbooks made new updates (ie freshbooks links, access, invoice etc). So when accessing your PayrollHero Billing Portal from your PayrollHero Account, it shows this error page: We have now fixed this… Once you click the […]

How to Update Credit Card Info on PayrollHero Billing

If you’re looking into updating your credit card details, here’s how: Open the “invoice” from the email that PayrollHero sends you every month. You will then see an option to “Update Credit Card” on the right side. Please see screenshot below: If you have any questions, feel free to email […]