The Cost Of Living Allowance (COLA) is a government mandated allowance for minimum wage earners. It aims to help workers cope with the continuing increase in the prices of essential commodities, while minimizing cost to employers who are facing high fuel-related production costs, majority of whom are micro and small […]
How to Add Employee’s Salary
Compensations is the part of the system where you can set how much an employee gets paid. You can set this as an hourly, daily or monthly amount. There are two ways to add an employee’s salary: 1. Via the Positions Page Setting up an employee’s compensation on the Positions […]
Schedule an Employee’s Paid or Unpaid Day Off
Paid days off are generally used for paying the employees hours on that day. This way they do not need to clock in and out and will just get paid the hours they work. You can set up “Paid Days Off” or “Unpaid Days Off” on the system via Shift […]
How to Resolve Incorrect Attendance Resolution?
A scenario may happen that the team leader or store manager may resolve attendance incorrectly. Here are the steps on how you can correct this given that you have system permissions for editing the review page. If you do not have one, please contact your HR. Search the Name of […]
How to Add a Schedule to an Employee?
There are 3 ways to add a schedule to an employee profile 1. Schedules page – Used for plotting schedule in a long period of time Choose a start date Click on “Add a new Schedule” or if the employee has an old schedule, edit the old schedule and […]
How to Export an Employee Attendance Report?
The Employee Attendance Report is where you can view employee attendance. We currently have 2 ways to export attendance: Employee Attendance Report Pivotable Attendance Report (scroll down at the bottom of the page) HOW TO EXPORT THE EMPLOYEE ATTENDANCE REPORT 1. Click the Employees Tab 2. Then click the Employee […]
How to Designate a Day As “Rest Day”?
To set this up on the system, make sure to select the “Rest day” on the secondary day type when scheduling shifts on a rest day. Please see screenshot below: Via the Shift Calendar on the Employee Profile: Via the Shift Calendar without schedule on the Employee Profile: Click on Custom Schedule: and […]
How to add “allowances” on the base pay for monthly paid employees?
In PayrollHero, the daily rate is computed based on the monthly “base pay” which is added on the Positions page. However, some companies adds their non taxable allowances on their base pay to get a higher computation of their daily/hourly rate. They do this for the following reasons: – To […]
Creating and Editing Positions
Positions group your employees according to their place within your company. They set up what compensation employees receive, how overtime is given and what allowances exist. The system also uses this information to design your Organizational Chart. To add a new position: Go to your Settings page Click “Positions” Click […]
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