This article will show you what is taken into account by PayrollHero to compute your BIR Alphalist.
How does PayrollHero compute your Alphalist?
Gross Compensation Income
Gross Pay + Gross 13th Month (14th and so on) + Gross De Minimis + Gross Other Benefits + Gross Other Compensations + Gross Adjustments
Non-taxable 13th Month Pay and other benefits
The non-taxable sum of amounts from banks classified as 13th monthpay + non-taxable sum of amounts classified as other_benefit
Non-taxable De Minimis
The non-taxable sum of amounts from banks classified as de_minimis
SSS, GSIS, PAG-IBIG & union dues
PagIbig + PhilHealth + SSS whichever is applicable to the employee
Salaries & other forms of compensation
Non-taxable sum of amounts from other compensations
Total Non-taxable/exempt compensation income
Non-taxable 13th Month and other benefits + Non-taxable De Minimis + SSS, GSIS, PAGIBIG and other union dues + Salaries and other forms of compensation
Taxable Basic Salary
Gross compensation income – Total Non-taxable income – Taxable 13th Month and other benefits
Taxable 13th Month Pay & Other Benefits
The taxable sum of amounts from banks classified as 13th monthpay + taxable sum of amounts classified as other_benefit
Taxable salaries & other forms of compensation
Taxable sum of amounts from other compensations
Total taxable compensation income
Taxable Basic Salary + Taxable 13th Month Pay & Other Benefits + Taxable salaries & other forms of compensation
Exemption Code
Based on the BIR Enrollments in PayrollHero
Exemption Amount
Amounts based on exemption code
Premium on health
Sum of amounts from banks tagged as health_insurance
Net taxable compensation income
Total taxable compensation income – Exemption Amount
Tax due
Based on the rates on this table and the net taxable compensation income:
Tax withheld
Tax withheld amounts from PayrollHero
Amount withheld and paid for in december
Tax Due – Tax Withheld
Over withheld tax
Tax refundable to the employee Withheld tax was more than the tax due.
Amount of tax withheld as adjusted
- If employee has over withheld tax: Tax Withheld – Over Withheld
- If employee has paid tax in december: Tax Withheld + Amount withheld in december