Release Note: Paid and unpaid days off now showing correctly on Rollcall Review page

A bug wherein days off (paid and unpaid) were showing up as ‘Absent’ in both the Rollcall Review page, reached by clicking the ‘Review’ link on the employee detail page sidebar, and the Time Card & Accruals page, reached by clicking the link on the ‘My Clock’ tab of the sidebar.

We have also fixed a bug where resolving employees as Absent on the Attendance Review page resulted in it being displayed as ‘Perfect’ on the the calendar day. While technically correct, this made it hard to show how many employees were resolved as absent in a particular day.

Now, when an employee’s day attendance is resolved to ‘Mark as Absent’, it will reflect on the calendar view of the Attendance Resolutions page.

If you have any questions please let us know by clicking here .

— Nico Suria

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