If you are new to PayrollHero, you will probably have to manually add the 13th month amount your employees have collected throughout the year from the previous payroll system you used before to PayrollHero. To check your employees current 13th month accrual: On the main dashboard, go to Employees, then […]
What Do You Mean by Total Working Days per Year?
The number of days per year can vary from year to year depending on the number of weekend days. However here’s the standard days per year according to BIR: ftp://ftp.bir.gov.ph/webadmin1/pdf/42126Annexes%20B%20-NPWC.pdf 313 days = Employee working from Mondays to Saturdays 261 days = Employee working from Mondays to Fridays
How Do I Compute the Holiday Pay and Rest Day Pay?
Before computing for the Holiday pay and Rest Day pay, please check if you have already set up your rates. Hourly/Daily Employees who report for work during Holidays and Rest Days are entitled to an additional 130% premium on top of their daily/hourly rate. This is done as required by […]
How to Generate the Employee’s Final Pay on PayrollHero?
As of the moment, we cannot automatically calculate the final pay. However, you can manually create a final pay using the payments and generating payroll. This is how we create final pay: Once you generate payroll. Export the Payroll Register Report to know the employee’s net pay for the last pay period the employee worked. Manually compute the unused vacation/sick leave, convert it […]