The Different Overtime Options Available for Shifts that Happen Overnight

There are instances where employees stay late in their office to work, it could be because of a deadline or it’s just a requirement for the employee to work more hours than scheduled shift. This would result to an overtime. Employee would be paid the overtime rate for the excess hours worked. (When an employee is required to work beyond the normal 8 hours, they are entitled to receive Overtime Pay)

If the employee’s overtime reaches overnight or the night differential time frame, the night differential would affect the overtime rate of the employee.

The Night Differential Overtime pay rates depend upon the day the work is performed, based on the government guidelines it is as follows:

Day Type Formula
Ordinary Day Hourly Rate x 125% x Night Differential
Rest Day Hourly Rate x 169% x Night Differential
Special Holiday Hourly Rate x 169% x Night Differential
Special Holiday + Rest Day Hourly Rate x 195% x Night Differential
Regular Holiday Hourly Rate x 260% x Night Differential
Regular Holiday + Rest Day Hourly Rate x 338% x Night Differential
Double Holiday Hourly Rate x 390% x Night Differential
Double Holiday + Rest Day Hourly Rate x 507% x Night Differential

Let’s take Php 57.00 as your Hourly Rate, here’s how to compute for the Night Differential Overtime Pay:

Day Type Sample Computation Sample ND Overtime Pay
Ordinary Day Php 57.00 x 1.25 x .10 78.375
Rest Day Php 57.00 x 1.69 x .10 105.963
Special Holiday Php 57.00 x 1.69 x .10 105.963
Special Holiday + Rest Day Php 57.00 x 1.95 x .10 122.265
Regular Holiday Php 57.00 x 2.6 x .10 163.02
Regular Holiday + Rest Day Php 57.00 x 3.38 x .10 211.926
Double Holiday Php 57.00 x 3.9 x .10 244.53
Double Holiday + Rest Day Php 57.00 x 5.07 x .10 317.889

With PayrollHero, your employee’s ND Overtime pay is automatically computed for you! These rates are set up by default for your account, but you can adjust them if desired via the Rates page. To learn more about this view How to Set up Rates?

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