Release Note: BIR 2316 Report for the current year for Separated Employees

The BIR 2316 report in PayrollHero is connected to the Alphalist Reports. It can be downloaded from employee’s profile under their Documents page. However, it only shows the previous year’s BIR 2316 Data.

This is now resolved.

We have created a BIR 2316 for the current year for separated employees.

If the employee leaves the company for the current year and a separation date is added on their employee profile, the BIR 2316 report on the Documents page of the employee will now show two (2) BIR 2316:

  • BIR 2316 (Past Year)
    • This report will show payrolls generated from the past year. Example Scenario below:
      • If the employee started in the year 2018, the BIR 2316 (Past Year) will include the payroll period from January 1, 2019-December 31, 2019. Only payrolls started in 2019, within the period will be included.
      • Sample BIR 2316 (Past Year): 9-Bruce Wayne BIR 2316
  • BIR 2316 (Current Year)
    • This report will only show payrolls generated for the current year. Example scenario below:
      • If the employee resigned on March 15, 2020, their BIR 2316 for the current year will include the payroll period from January 1, 2020-March 15, 2020. Only payrolls started this year, within the period will be included.
      • Sample BIR 2316 for the separated employee: 9-Bruce Wayne BIR 2316

If you have any questions, feel free to email us at