Scheduled Maintenance on July 26, 2015 from 04:00am until 04:30am (+8 GMT).

Scheduled Maintenance

We will have a brief programmed maintenance on Sunday July 26th from 04:00am until 04:30am (+8 GMT).
There will be a brief downtime on our core, time and auth app as we will be conducting a routine security update.

Clockings from TeamClock Chrome, Android and iOS will still be fully operational although they will be queued up until the end of the maintenance time.

PhotoVerification will still be up and running as well.

As a precaution we recommend to not log out TeamClock (or close the app) within this timeframe to ensure correct recording of times.

The system will resume full operation by 04:30am.
We appreciate your understanding and apologize for any inconvenience that this maintenance period might bring to your operation.



If you would like to check on realtime the status of the PayrollHero system you can visit PayrollHero Status page. From this same page you can also sign up to receive automatic email updates on any incidents on the system.


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